During these unusual times of responsible social distancing, there are many online meeting options our groups have made available. Our Central Service Office has good information on where to find them here.
When there's a will, there's a way!
But, while online meeting spaces make it difficult to "pass the basket," A.A.'s 7th Tradition reminds us that, Every group ought to be fully self-supporting... Virtual meetings are relatively inexpensive, but the real expenses of our fellowship continue. Please consider some reasons for offering your group members a way to contribute:
Our regular meeting locations still have operating expenses
Central Service and the General Service Office still have operating expenses
Our Districts, Areas, and H&I still have expenses
Each group is autonomous and might consider taking a group conscience on whether digital contributions are an option, and which platform(s) best suits their groups’ needs. If your group wants to consider online contributions, below is information on how other groups have done it.
Once your group selects a platform:
Self-Support: Where Money and Spirituality Mix
The above was adapted from A.A. Intergroup of SF & Marin: A Guide to Best Practices For a Digital 7th Tradition
Please feel free to link to this page. Copy and paste this URL into your website or email: